Manager Message

Smt. Asha Mehrotra
Manager, KIRAS

Try not to become a success, but rather try to become a man of value.
- Albert Einstein

In the real world, success comes to doers, not observers. Success is a result of positive thought, attitude and decision, it is not accidental. Determination and hard work help in arriving to the destination. It is a time to remember with profound gratitude and sense of pride to all who labored to make KIRAS what it is today. It is the time to thank God for inspiring and guiding us together with staff and parents to shape the destinies of these institutions.

These institutions are tangible evidence of our pride of progress and creative output..

I urge others to let their imagination flow freely not smothered by the excessive demands of modern times, concoction of the past, present and future-…. Explore. Pursue with passion with ethical values and soar high like a kite.

I perceive the pride of our growth in the infrastructural growth at KIRAS. We hope that technology and tools of modern education will empower their mission to shrink the differences in the world and evolve a better world order.